Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Casey Anthony: Where are the prayer warriors?

I just finished reading a blog post by Matthew Paul Turner (Jesus Needs New PR) about the verdict in the Casey Anthony case.  He asks why we are more passionate about justice being served in this case than about the death of other children around the world, or even in our own country.

I also read a piece today in which Rush Limbaugh said if Caylee had been killed in the womb (i.e. aborted), the media wouldn't care.  According to Limbaugh, "If the child had died, what, two years earlier in the womb this woman would be a star. She'd be a hero." (full post here)

In addition, I've seen the outrage on Facebook and Twitter and heard the comments on call-in radio shows.

Two things really bother me about this whole thing.  One, I know everyone is convinced Casey murdered her daughter.  And maybe she did.  But what if she didn't?  I mean, not a single one of us knows for sure.  You may think you know, but you don't.  The only ones who know for sure are Casey, Caylee, and God.

But the thing that bothers me the most is the lack of mercy and love shown by Christians.  Yes, we are called to defend the defenseless, but we are also called to be a light in the darkness to those who are lost.  Casey Anthony is one very lost young woman.  Casey needs people to get on their knees and pray for her.  Casey needs Jesus.

I'm asking everyone who reads this post to speak to God on behalf of Casey.  "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."  (Luke 6:36)

1 comment:

  1. This whole thing is so riddled with opinions and assumptions.

    The one thing that is unequivocally true is that she DOES need Jesus. I honestly hadn't thought to pray about this before, but I will tonight. Thank you Lisa.
