Thursday, May 05, 2011

Hallmark doesn't make a Mothers' Day card for those who hurt

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed."  Psalm 34:18

Ah yes, Mothers' Day.  The day of flowers, candy, cards, phone calls, and breakfast in bed.  For some of us, it's a wonderful day of being pampered and appreciated by our families.

For others, the day is difficult and filled with grief.  This year, I encourage you to think of people you know who might need acknowledgement on Mothers' Day - those who are hurting.


  • Those who have lost their mothers, even if it has been years
  • Those who have lost children
  • Those who have given up a child for adoption
  • Those who have been unable to conceive
  • Those who have had an abortion
I'd tell you to send a card, but Hallmark doesn't make one.  I looked.  Instead, pick up the phone and call, leave them a message on Facebook, or give them a hug.  Just let them know you are thinking of them on what might be a painful day.  


  1. An awesome reminder Lisa. Thank you.

  2. This is my 4th Mother's Day without my Mom. I get all chocked up when I have to walk past a Mother's Day display. Thanks for this blog post.
