Sunday, April 24, 2011

Even the birds proclaim the King

At least one of my faithful readers will be happy to hear that I took my dogs for a walk this morning.

This morning we had the most peaceful walk we've had in a long, long time.  We didn't encounter people or dogs, and there wasn't even a single car that went by.  (This begs the question - did my whole neighborhood go to church this morning, or were they all sleeping?)

Walking and listening to the birds, I wondered if those were the sounds the women heard as they walked to Jesus' tomb that morning.  They had probably been up all night weeping, and they knew the job they had to do would only make them cry again.  Filled with grief themselves, they probably thought the birds were singing a dirge.

And when they got there...the shock, fear, and confusion as they found the tomb empty.  And finally, their joy as the angel explained what had happened.  How genius it was of Jesus to have raised Lazarus from the dead so they would have known it was possible!

It was then they heard it...the song of resurrection the birds were singing.  They sing it every Resurrection Sunday and have for over 2000 years.  I imagine they will sing it for all eternity!

1 comment:

  1. I did, indeed, miss this. Thanks for posting it to my wall :)

    I love knowing that nature praises Him. And seeing something specific like this is a fun rock to unturn. Thanks for sharing it.

    And I'm glad you took a walk :) The fence must be working out nicely.
