Saturday, January 22, 2011

Morning people

"If a man loudly blesses his neighbor early in the morning, it will be taken as a curse." - Proverbs 27:14

To say that I'm not a morning person is probably an understatement.  When I roll out of bed, after giving my alarm clock a glare that could burn holes through the floor, I can barely function, let alone comprehend anything.

Because God likes a good sitcom as well as anyone, He made my darling husband a morning person.  Not only does he simply wake up at (what I consider) ungodly hours, he does so with energy and joy.  Because he gets up so much earlier than I do, by the time I stumble down the stairs he has already been up for awhile.  And since he's also an extrovert, the person he first sees in the morning is his opportunity to connect and energize.  I'm pretty sure he's just been sitting there thinking of what he will say, because as soon as I appear, I am hit with a verbal bombardment.  He knows I hate this, but I swear, it's as if he cannot help himself.  I think he will burst if he can't talk to someone right at that moment!

I know, it sounds funny, right?  He finds it humorous also, because HE is in a good mood!  It's actually not funny to me, though.  It causes me to have some rather unkind thoughts, and it is only by God's grace that it doesn't go beyond that.  And some days, I'm not all that open to God's grace, so you see where I'm going.

We can laugh and joke about it, but the truth is, it's a sin struggle.  So I need to deal with it.  It would be easy to put all the burden and blame on my husband, but the truth is, it's MY sin struggle.  It may be a small thing in the grand scheme of life, but the big things all start out as small things.  So I'm praying for victory over this and asking God to change me.

I realize God is not going to change the way I'm wired; He made me that way for a reason.  And He made my husband the way he is for a reason too.  But He can renew my mind to change the way I respond (Romans 12:2).  He can give me wisdom and strength to do what He is calling me to do (Colossians 1:9-11).

1 John 5:14-15 says, " This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him."  I know it is God's will for us to love one another, and this issue is getting in the way of that, so I am confident God will answer this prayer.

And like He so often does, God will answer in a way that would have never crossed my puny little brain.  Now that's something worth getting up in the morning for!


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