Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Media Free Mondays - Day 2

It was unanimous.  When I asked my family if they thought the second night of fasting from electronics would be easier than the first, it was a resounding "No."

Yesterday morning, Emma asked, "Are we having 'Amish night' again tonight?"  I laughed at her nickname for our little experiment and replied that we were indeed having a media free night.  "Might as well grow a beard," she responded.

I had decided last week to make sure we had something planned to do this time, but the day got away from me.  (Why are Mondays always like that?)  So, there we were in a very quiet house again.

I actually broke the rules absent-mindedly this time.  We have a multi-level house, so it's very convenient to text one another with questions rather than yelling or traveling up and down multiple flights of stairs.  In the middle of making dinner, while once again missing the laughter of an old sitcom, I realized we had run out of milk.  One of the dishes I was preparing called for milk, so naturally I picked up my phone and sent a text to Dan, asking if he could run to the store for me.  He answered and said he would as soon as he got off the phone.  When he came downstairs, he pointed out that I had broken the rules.  I was shocked - I hadn't even realized I did it!  

After dinner, I sent Dan and Emma out of the house on an errand for me.  I thought a change of scenery might help them both to deal with the quiet of the house.  I have to admit, the absolute peace and quiet in the house while they were gone was refreshing for me.  It's rare to experience that kind of silence at our house.  I only wished I had the time to sit down and focus my thoughts.  Of course, that would have required journaling on actual paper with an actual pen.  Gasp!

When they returned, Emma took a shower, so Dan and I had some time to talk.  Again, something that seldom happens without interruption or background noise, so it was nice for me.  Soon though, Dan admitted the quiet was getting to him.

In fact, we all got a little silly playing a card game Dan taught us.  It's called Mille Bornes, and Dan's family used to play it a lot at family gatherings.  We had it in our "game closet" but had never opened it or tried it at all.

I'm not sure if the game was that fun, or if we were all just a little loopy, but we had a good time playing.  We might even play again tonight.  Of course, this time, the TV will be on in the background...

1 comment:

  1. I have that game!! I think it's fun... depending on what cards you get and who you play with... ;-)

    I think your experiment on Mondays sounds fun! Thanks for doing it and keep us all entertained with the happenings... or maybe not-so-happenings. I think that taking a break from media could be a healthy habit for us all to get into!
