Sunday, August 29, 2010

God, prayer,

I've had what you might call "God experiences" in my life before.  Do you know what I mean?  Those moments when something has happened that just HAD to be God?

I had one of those "God is real" moments today, and I'm still reeling from it (in a good way).

About a year ago, my husband Dan said he would really like to have a motorcycle again.  He used to ride back in his single days, and his best friend was hoping he would get one so they could ride together.  I was opposed to this idea, but not for the reason most wives are.  I am not worried about his safety - I trust God with that.  I was more concerned if it was the right thing to do with our money.  In fact, I think I may have told him I thought it was a little bit selfish, and it just seemed like we could do better (i.e. more spiritual) things with our money.  I also rattled off a bunch of practical reasons why I was opposed, but told him he should pray about it.  So he did.  For awhile.

Every once in awhile, Dan would bring it up again, usually in a joking manner, saying that I "wouldn't let him" get a motorcycle.  I figured he had come to terms with it and had decided it wasn't the best thing after all.

This week, we had been talking about what we were going to do with some money Dan is about to receive in a settlement from an auto accident.  He never mentioned a motorcycle, and it certainly never crossed my mind.

This morning, I was walking my dog before going to church.  Walking a dog in our neighborhood has proven to be dangerous at times, so I've become accustomed to praying while walking.  I was praying about various things, when I was suddenly struck with this thought from the Lord:  "You need to tell Dan to use part of that money to buy a motorcycle."

My reaction?  "No way!  NO WAY, God, did You hear that?  I am so NOT doing that.  That is ridiculous."  And in that same moment, I was reminded of a powerful story our pastor told last week about hearing a message from God and reacting the same way.  Yet, I blew it off.

I went home, got ready for church, and didn't give it another thought.  We went to church, worshipped, and settled in for the message from Pastor Shane.  He was finishing up a series of sermons on prayer (which, by the way, you should all go listen to at the First Free website).

He ended the sermon with a story.  He said it was a story about a great prayer experience.  And as soon as the word "motorcycle" came out of his mouth, I knew I was in trouble.

It seems he and his wife were discussing what to do with a large tax refund they received.  He really wanted to buy a motorcycle, and he asked his wife if she was ok with that.  She was, and that was the plan, until his children decided they wanted to undertake an intensive program of karate, which ironically cost the same amount as the tax refund.  Being an unselfish and generous father, he paid for the karate, but he told his wife he decided to pray and ask God for a motorcycle.  In fact, not just any motorcycle, but a Harley Davidson.

He prayed every day for a few months, but then he felt God telling him he was done praying about it.  He interpreted that as God saying no to the motorcycle, so he stopped praying about it.

(Let me interrupt the story to say, at this point, my knees started trembling.  I KNEW how the story was going to end, and I could almost HEAR God laughing heartily about how He answered my husband's prayer.)

A few weeks later, one Sunday after the worship service, a burly biker approached Pastor Shane and asked him if he was familiar with the passage of Scripture in which Jesus says if you have two robes, you should share one with your brother.  Shane confirmed that he knew the passage, and this gentleman shared how he had two motorcycles, and he believed he was supposed to share one with his brother.  He asked God which brother, and God told him it was Shane.  The biker asked Shane if he knew anything about that, to which Shane shouted "YES! God is real, and He likes me!"  Oh, and for the record, the motorcycle...yep, it was a Harley.

The service quickly ended after the story, but I almost couldn't get out of my chair.  I was pretty freaked out that God spoke to me through someone else like that!  I was shaking from head to toe, but managed to get myself out of the building and into the car.  At that point, I turned to Dan and said, "I just want to know one thing.  Have you been praying for a motorcycle?"  He laughed and said, "Not for a long time now."  Then I told him what happened, and I said, "Now you HAVE to get a motorcycle!  I'm not going to get in trouble with God!"

I'm still in awe and wonder that the God of the universe not only answered my husband's prayer, but set me straight in a delightfully wonderful and personal way.  What a great story we will have to tell about that motorcycle!

Does that mean if I pray for something, I will always receive it?  Not if it isn't in my best interest, which is God's will for my life.  But somehow I think I will do more asking than I have in the past, even for things that might not seem all that "spiritual".  Why?  Because God can work wonders through anything, including motorcycles.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Came across your post through Shane's facebook page. Thanks for sharing:)
