Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New music worth a listen

I have been enjoying some new music lately, and a couple of friends have asked me to share what I'm listening to, so I thought this would be a good place to do that.

I have to admit, I went through a long period of not adding any new music to my collection.  I was disenchanted by most of the new Christian music (all sounds the same), and the secular stuff is so weak lyrically, I can't stomach it.  I don't care how catchy a song is, if there isn't anything lyrically for me to connect with, I'll turn it off.

I've also found that I enjoy music more if I've seen the artist live first.  Maybe that's because I've had some bad experiences the other way around.  It also helps if I get to actually meet and talk with the artists, as that gives me a better feel for what they are trying to do with their music.  Frankly, if it's all about them, I'm not that interested.

So, since Kelsey and I had to interview lots of bands this summer for the book we are writing, I got to hear some new music live and meet the artists.  That sparked my interest in pursuing new tunes, and here's what I'm enjoying so far:


Skillet: Awake
We did not get to meet Skillet this time around, but I have met them in the past.  If you liked Comatose, you will love Awake.  I was streaming this one all week last week.

Willet: Somewhere In Between
I was unfamiliar with this band before Sonshine.  We met and interviewed Jeremy Willet before their performance.  This band is passionate about helping the poor and has been to Africa several times, as well as Haiti.  Through their concerts, they are able to find sponsors for various villages in need of help.  Jeremy is somewhat of a soft spoken guy, so when Willet took the stage and rocked my socks off, I was pleasantly surprised!  They also have some acoustic worship music some of you non-rockers would enjoy.

Silverline: Start to Believe
I've seen this band live twice.  Although I'm enjoying the CD, you really should see them live if you can.  Great guys from Minnesota, and they have played several times in the La Crosse area.  I believe they are playing in Spring Grove, MN this weekend ( and it's free!

I Am Terrified: I Am Terrified EP
I first discovered this band while watching the Gospel Music Channel.  This is much harder rock and includes some screamo, so if you're not into that, you may not enjoy them.  I like the song "To The Service" - great worship song.  Someday I need to find out the story behind the band name!


Nevertheless: When I'm With You EP and In The Making
Kelsey and I interviewed this guys at Sonshine and were really impressed.  Some of the nicest guys you will meet, as well as excellent musicians.  I had been listening to "In The Making" before we saw them, and particularly love the song "Sleeping In".  "When I'm With You" just released last week and is an acoustic collection of love songs.  Very touching lyrics and musically interesting, something that appeals to me.

Philmont: Attention
Interviewing Philmont was fun, and we appreciated them accommodating us when they were trying to man their merchandise booth.  I had already heard their song "The Difference" on GMC, and I was blown away by their high energy live show.  You never have a chance to be distracted by anything else! Just started listening to "Attention" yesterday, which includes "The Difference" and another new favorite of mine, "Another Name."

Hyland: Quotients EP
Another Minnesota band with a great live show, Hyland is a star on the rise.  Their EP was produced by Ben Kasica of Skillet.  Jon, the lead singer, was our guinea pig, i.e. our first interview, and got us off to a good start.  This band tours a lot, so if you live within a 200 mile radius of the Twin Cities, you should get a chance to see them.

Manic Drive: Blue
Another find from GMC, this band first caught my ear when I heard a familiar voice on the title track, Blue.  It was Kevin Mac from DC Talk - there's no mistaking that voice!  Another song I'm really enjoying off this album is "Eleven Regrets".  The thing that impresses me most about this band is their uniqueness in sound.  Give them a listen, and you'll see what I mean.


The Glorious Unseen: The Hope That Lies In You
I'm not generally a big fan of "worship music" (I use that term loosely because I feel any kind of music can be used to worship), but The Glorious Unseen reaches outside the walls of traditional Sunday morning music.  Frontman Ben Crist has an unusual voice that makes you want to keep listening, and he was one of the most humble artists we interviewed.

That's it for now, but I may blog in the future about good tunes I find!

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