Friday, February 25, 2011

The difference of a day

Twenty-four hours ago, friends welcomed their third child into the world.  Other friends were preparing to say goodbye to their wife and mother who is stricken with an incurable brain tumor.

Twenty-four hours ago, someone I know adopted a new pet.  Another dear friend was told her pet has only a few months to live.

Twenty-four hours ago, only a handful of people knew the top 24 contestants on American Idol.  By tomorrow, we will likely know more than we should about the top 24.

Twenty-four hours ago, people in Wisconsin were in turmoil over the governor's proposal to eliminate bargaining rights by unions.  (All right, so not EVERYTHING has changed yet!)

What a difference a day makes.  Things that we considered all-consuming and crucial can become trivial in the light of a new day.  Issues that divide and polarize us suddenly melt away in the face of either happy or sad news.

Jesus said, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?  Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?" (Luke 12:25-26)

I find it humorous that Jesus referred to adding an hour to our lives as a "little thing."  I think most people would consider that a major accomplishment, but then again, Jesus is not like most people.  And that's really the point here.  When we put God into the equation, anything can happen in a day.   He's always at work, even if it takes more than 24 hours to see the result.

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