Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Popcorn memories

Recently, and for no good reason whatsoever, I found myself doing that thing that "older" people tend to do: reminiscing.  And it all started over a bowl of popcorn.

"Do you know, when I was a kid, my mother used to make popcorn on the stove?  In fact, she even had a 'popcorn pan'."  (The camera pans to the blank stare on my daughter's face.)  "Yeah, Mom, that's...interesting," she says.  I went on to give her an entire history of the evolution of making popcorn.  She was fascinated and hung on my every word.  Not.  :)

To this day, eating popcorn conjures up memories of high school basketball games and Disney's Sunday night movie.  Isn't it funny how a food, or a smell, or a song can transport you back in time?  I wonder what things will take my kids back to the "good 'ole days" when they are older.

What little things spark memories of your childhood?

1 comment:

  1. I can't think of any off the top of my head aside from eating pizza and watching tape-recorded episodes of Star Trek with my family every Sunday night after church. But I'll get back to you with a more "feeling" one :)

    I also think I'm going to steal this and put it on Facebook-- the last question :)

    ALSO, popcorn on the stove is AMAZING. So good. My brother still does it that way.
