Friday, October 08, 2010

Do we need to ask God's permission?

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."  Proverbs 16:9

"Everything is permissible - but not everything is beneficial.  Everything is permissible - but not everything is constructive."  1 Corinthians 10:23  

I haven't seen my favorite cousins in over three years.  I say "cousins", but they are more like sisters to me. We've never lived geographically close to one another, but even when we were young and got together at the occasional holiday, we could always pick up where we left off.  There has always been a special bond.  Plus, they are both incredibly funny.  We are like teenage girls when we get together...lots of giggling!

I've missed spending time with them (sorry Facebook, you just don't cut the mustard!).  Every time we've attempted to get together, something has come up.  It's been really frustrating.  Then, a few weeks ago, I found out my favorite band was going to be playing in their city.  I haven't seen Switchfoot in a long time either, and it seemed like divine intervention.  So, without consulting anyone - and I do mean, anyone - I bought the tickets and put it on the calendar.  In fact, I do believe my attitude at the time was, "I'm going!  I'm just going, darn it, and I don't care if anyone likes it!"  Yep, real spiritual.

The concert is now a week away.  Guess who woke up under the weather today?  Both my daughter and me.

My first reaction was irritation and anger.  I complained to God about this possible interruption in my plans.  I believe the conversation went something like this:

Me:  God, I can't be sick!  I miss my cousins too much and I just have to go!
God:  It would have been nice if you'd asked Me.
Me:  Oh.  Yeah.  I never did that, did I?  Oops.  Sorry about that.
God:  You know, you don't need my permission to do these things.  You are free to do whatever you please.  But when you ask, it allows me the opportunity to bless it.  And to bless you.
Me:  (smacks self in forehead) You're so right!  Lord, I'm so sorry for not asking you.  Please forgive me!

I started to think about my adult daughter who lives at home.  She's almost always considerate about letting me know her plans.   She does not need my permission, but she does it out of respect, and in a way, looking for my blessing.  If I say I do not approve of her plans, she still has the option to follow through or not, but she knows things will go better if she listens to me.  She knows I have her best interest at heart.

It is like that with the Lord.  He always has my best interest at heart.  And if He doesn't want me to go visit my cousins next week, there's a reason why, and I can trust that it is for my good.

I ended the conversation with God like this:  "God, I still want to go, but if You don't want me to, I won't go."  Ouch.  That still stings.

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