Sunday, September 05, 2010

Love is blind

Have you ever felt betrayed by someone?  If you live on this planet, your answer to that question should be "yes", if you're being honest.  Whether it be a friend, a spouse, a co-worker or a neighbor, people are inevitably going to disappoint me at times.  It's just a fact of life, and it should not surprise me when it happens.  Yet, it always seems to catch me off guard, and as a result, sometimes it takes awhile to reach a place of forgiveness. 

This morning, I was sorting through the remnants of those emotions from something that happened yesterday.  I was over the anger, but holding on to the hurt the way a child holds on to their security blanket.  As this thought passed through my brain, it became evident that I was, indeed, acting like a child. 

"OK, God...I'm ready to let it go."  *sigh*  I stepped out on the deck to enjoy the cool, quiet morning with a cup of tea, my devotional, and my Bible.  I settled into a chair and opened the devotional.  The first line read like this:  "I AM YOUR BEST FRIEND, as well as your King."

My mind emphasizing the first word, "I", my heart took a direct hit.  Often times we refer to people or even spouses as our best friends, but the reality is, none of them could ever be best.  That description belongs to my King, the lover of my soul, my friend Jesus.  He is best because He will never betray me.  He will never let me down.  He always keeps His word.  And He loved me enough to give His very life for me. 

As I let those words wash over me, I picked up my Bible and found the spot where I had left off in Song of Songs.  Chapter 4 starts off with Jesus saying to me, "How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful!"  Ha, yeah right, Lord.  You see me both inside and out right now, and you know perfectly well that's not true. 

He goes on to describe my many features in glorious fashion, which nearly set me to laughing.  Then he says, "All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you."  OK, now You're just being silly! 

That's when it hit me:  love is blind.  Remember when you first fell in love with your spouse, how everything they did was adorable and wonderful?  Remember how defensive you would get if a friend or family member pointed out some character flaw in him/her?  "Love must be blind!", they would say. 

When Jesus hung on the cross, suffered and died for me, He willingly took all that ugliness away.  In His eyes, because of the price He paid, God sees no flaw in us.  He sees us as perfect, inside and out.  He's not just blowing smoke when He says we are beautiful.  His love makes Him blind to our sinful nature. 

Now THAT'S what I call a BFF.  The only best friend I will ever need.  For once, I'm glad love is blind.      

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