Thursday, June 10, 2010

I'm baaaaaack!

Obviously I haven't blogged for QUITE awhile, but I'm hoping with a renewed focus (accompanied by a schedule and people to hold me accountable to it), I can write here more often.  I won't promise every day, since I'm also continuing to blog at PARENtEEN.

Today's topic:  Acting Our Age

The Bible instructs us to have faith like a child.

Recent observations of women, including myself, reveals most of us acting like children, rather than exhibiting childlike faith.  When we don't get our way, we whine and cry and stomp off to complain to the first person who will listen.  Figuratively, we cross our arms and pout, effectively shutting out any real work God could do in our situation.

Why is our first instinct always to throw up our hands in despair?  Why do we take our anxieties to Facebook before taking them to the Throne of the One who is willing to work things out for our good?

One of Job's friends rightly asked, "Can you fathom the mysteries of God?  Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?" (Job 11:7)  Certainly God is more than capable of handling our puny little problems.

The only reasonable conclusion I am able to come to is that we simply don't trust God, and trust is the cornerstone of childlike faith.

I don't have any answers about how to turn my temper tantrums into moving mountains, so for now, I'll just be thankful for a patient, gentle Father who loves me unconditionally.  But if any of you have wisdom to share, let's hear it!  


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