Thursday, August 19, 2010

Do people identify me correctly?

A recent poll conducted by Pew Research found the number of Americans who believe that President Obama is a Muslim has increased significantly since his inauguration and now accounts for nearly 20 percent of the nation's population.  (Washington Post article)

President Obama claims to be a Christian.  So why does one-fifth of the population not believe him?  In the article, the president's faith advisor (not sure what that job is exactly) said Obama's Christian faith plays an "important part" in his daily life.  He then referred to six speeches in which Obama talked about his beliefs.  Hmmmm.  Well, we can all talk a good game, can't we?

Yes, we can say we are Christian.  We can attend church publicly every week.  We can be charitable with donations and maybe, if we're really brave, bow our heads to pray before a meal in a restaurant.  Does that mean people are buying it?  Apparently not.

This article caused me to pause and self-reflect.  Most people know that I claim to be a Christian.  I wonder what the numbers would say if I were to poll a significant amount of my acquaintances.  Am I talking the talk without walking the walk?  Do my actions bear witness to the world that I am a follower of Christ?

Proverbs 27:19 says, "As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man."  Dear Jesus, I pray that today, and every day, my heart might reflect the Man living in me...You.      

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